
Veterinary power tools

  • High Speed electric drill
High Speed electric drill

High Speed electric drill

High speed burr drill is used in neurosurgery, spine surgery, ENT and microsurgery. Made of quality materials, the product is divided into straight-handle and angled-handle, support for optional long handles. It can withstand high temperature 135°, low noise, perfect ergonomic design safe and reliable performance reduces the risk of surgery. Making it suited for a wide range of 

surgeries, including spine, neurotology, and ENT procedures.


2Motor handpicec A1RPM 0-40000
Bent hand piece 1
Straighten hand piece 1
3Motor handpicec B1RPM 0-12000
Cranial drill adapter1including 1 ps drill bit
Cranial bur adapter1including 2 pcs bur
Oscillating saw adapter1including 2 pcs saw blade
Reciprocating saw adapter1including 2 pcs saw blade
4Sterilization case1
5Pedal switch1
6reaming drill bit10
7Aluminium box1


8cranial drill bit1
9cranial bur2
10saw blade2
11Reciprocating saw balde2
12Straighten hand piece longer1
13Bent hand piece longer1

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